Thank You Dad!

Thank you dad,
For not being there,
When I won that race.
And when I lost
The next one,
And needed to save face.

Thank you for not cheering
When I got that soccer cup.
And not missing any chance,
Of scolding when I messed up.

Thank you for not saving me,
When that bully’s punch I took.
For telling me to be a man,
When from a nightmare I shook.

Thank you for that TLC
That I never received.
For letting me know, every time,
That in me, you didn’t believe.

Now as I take my rightful place,
In this civilized society.
I laugh, I cry and I deal with,
Men of every variety.

And as I fall, I see them laugh,
But I get up and going.
And I don’t fret when I can’t reap,
The prize of efforts, I’m sowing.

I win, I lose, I beg, I chose,
And take it all in stride.
I make mistakes, I learn from them,
It’s all part of the ride.

And I look back and realize,
My childhood, indeed, has made me wise.
You let me fall so I could rise,
And to laugh, when they criticize.

You never consoled me as a kid,
When tantrum tears were shed.
But, so that I could cry and sleep,
You bought me a bed.

You did not rush to pick me up,
When from my bike, I fell.
Yet you wept when I broke my arm,
That’s what I heard tell.

You had to work on weekends,
You never took me to the zoo.
Yet I went there from the school,
That trip was paid by you.

You didn’t teach me how to swim,
Or spoke about birds and bees.
But now I think, that you just worked,
To earn my college fees.

You refused to buy that soda-pop,
I never got that cat.
Yet you bought me my first bike,
And got me a cricket bat.

You never taught me how to punch,
Nor how to impress the gals.
But you paid for a better school,
So I could have better pals.

Your dearest wish was always this:
That I’d be best in class,
Or that I rock the cricket field,
Yet I was neither, alas!

You were always working,
Unsympathetic, aloof!
Yet that was how you kept me fed,
And  put on my head, a roof.

 So THANK YOU, DAD for everything,
For all the unseen care.
For making me what I’m today,
For just always being there.


“Mothers always get the credit for parental love and guidance, and though it is undoubtedly true, a father’s role in shaping a child’s life is seldom acknowledged.

However, watching over from a distance and ensuring that every facility and amenity is available to a child is a father’s task, and the fathers of our society live up to their reputation day-by-day without expecting a token of thanks in return, just in the hope that they would succeed in giving a better childhood to their offspring, than they ever had.”

So, Thanks a lot, Papa for always being the provider and sacrificing big luxuries so I could have small ones for myself.


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